Saturday, March 28, 2009

Online Degrees at Breyer State University

Bachelor of Arts Degree

Interior Design

Our online distance education program offers students the opportunity to study a comprehensive curriculum in interior design degree program. The designing field goes far beyond decorating. Interior designers have a profound impact on people's lives by creating the surroundings in which they live, work, and relax. The environment that is created must fit the owner's personality. A good designer has the ability to see this and decorate accordingly.

Through this program students will learn the skills needed to succeed in this field. All of the courses are focused on the major. This allows students to maximize their learning in the core courses and succeed in their educational and career goals.

Students begin with the study of interior design history and basic principles and applications. Specific courses focus on space planning, the use of color and lighting, floor plan drafting, blue print reading, and the application of design materials, fabrics and accessories in interior design. In the higher division courses students enter symposium and project courses where they are able to select more focused study in one area of interior design, and complete a comprehensive project and interior design practicum. These specialty courses in interior design allow students maximum opportunities to experience the real world of this specialty.

Several career fields this degree will prepare you for are:

* Interior Designer
* Floor Plan Drafting
* Fabric Designer
* Lighting Consultant
* Retail Store Designer

The perquisites for this program are: a high school diploma or an earned GED

The online curriculum offers an innovative approach to higher education. Enrollment is open and students may begin the program at any time. All human resource management courses are provided in online classrooms, with one-to-one faculty mentoring. Students also have free access to our comprehensive Study Tactics and Resources Center, with links to subject related websites online libraries, articles and research assistance. Our online degree in Interior Design curriculum includes:

1. IDA 110 Introduction to Interior Design 6 hrs
2. IDA 150 History of Interior Design 6 hrs
3. IDA 170 Principles of Space Planning 6 hrs
4. IDA 220 Basics of Furniture Designs 6 hrs
5. IDA 240 Principles of Floor Plan Drafting 6 hrs
6. IDA 280 Basics of Blue Print Reading 6 hrs
7. IDA 300 Theory and Applications of Designing with Color 6 hrs
8. IDA 340 Principles of Interior Lighting 6 hrs
9. IDA 360 Theory and Applications of Design Materials 6 hrs
10. IDA 390 Theory and Applications of Fabric and Accessories 6 hrs
11. IDA 420 Interior Design Symposium 30 hrs
12. IDA 470 Interior Design Practicum 30 hrs

TOTAL: 120 Semester Hours

Courses in this curriculum are to be taken in sequence as above.

Start your online degree in Interior Design today!

TUITION: $400.00 per course. Students may register and pay for one course at a time.

* Note: cost of tuition does not include cost of text books.

** There is also a one time $50.00 admission processing fee.

For more information please click here

Course Completion Times: Students are permitted 10 weeks to complete an online course. This may be extended with the permission of the instructor. For all Symposium Courses, students are permitted up to a six month period for completion. Doctoral students are permitted one year for all Dissertation/Doctoral Project courses

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